What is Long Covid-19?
Long Covid-19 refers to the symptoms caused by Covid-19 that appear to last longer than weeks or many months even after the infection has gone. This is also known as post Covid-19 syndrome. Conversely, no two people have the same experience of symptoms, 3 people with long covid-19 can all have non identical experiences. The most common experience seen amongst all is extreme fatigue. While some others include; muscle ache, breathlessness, a fever and loss of smell.
For more information on corona virus symptoms or long covid-19 visit: NHS Guidance
What is Long Covid-19 pay?
Government advisors have told the BBC that the decision to reimburse key workers who have suffered with ‘long Covid’ could take up to a year. It is thought that more than 1 million people have ‘long Covid-19’ in the UK, with over 120,000 being healthcare workers.
Many key workers are terrified at the thought of returning to work, after having Covid. However, many workers who had caught Covid from work have fears about returning but are also worried about finances and support they can get if they do not return.
Financial Worries
Many private sector workers who have suffered with long covid can only receive 28 weeks SSS (Statutory sick pay). This is devastating for those who have suffered with symptoms for longer than 28 weeks but, no longer are receiving sick pay and cannot work from home. For those who run small or family businesses this has also been a very difficult time as processing payroll for employees has been hard, if you only rely on one person who was victim to the corona virus.
Many people are worried about the financial burden they will take on and the lack of support from the government. An array of people have stated that the government should support those who are suffering with the virus and that it is unfair that the government are supporting people on furlough who can possibly work from home. However, there is no support for suffers of long covid-19 who are unable to return to work because of their current symptoms or who are unable to work from home.
A government representative has stated that the government are dedicated to supporting workers that have been affected and are ready to “provide a strong financial safety net” to those in need.
For more information or help on this topic head over to: BBC News
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